Can you believe it's been 25 years since the first PlayStation shelves, first in Japan and less than a year later worldwide? Neither can we!
The original PlayStation has played host to some of your favorite shows, characters and stories, (such as deep breathing, everyone!) Spyro the Dragon, Crash Bandicoot, Final Fantasy VII (and VIII and IX), Tomb Raider, Oddworld, Parappa the Rapper, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Gran Turismo, MediEvil, Metal Gear Solid and Time Crisis – and that's only a little!
Most of these games have been time-tested and still exist today, some of them gaining traction for this generation, or the restoration of the earth from above!
To celebrate that fun moment in game history, we decided to throw the first PlayStation of its birth in the Dreamiverse, and gave some of our characters a 90s-era polygonal makeover while we were there! You can check out where we came from by watching the video below, but before that – GOOD BIRTHDAY, BEST!
is currently available in the PlayStation store.
Happy Birthday, PlayStation! Here are 25 more of us all at Media Molecule!