PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X They will be released later this year starting a one-gen battle, which at first, looks pretty stubborn in the early months. Analysts predict the slow sales of next-generation comfort because of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. Players are not prepared to deduct a huge sum of money from their corpses, much less than all the games calculated a generation ago.
All Xbox Series X details.
An important part of the plan for these two companies is the startup price, which will handle the most current components and is not expected to be low. However, recent analysts have chosen the most powerful strategy by Microsoft. The last was the famous Michael Pachter, which proves that The PS5 can go for $ 500, depending on the specifications it uses, with the Xbox Series X sitting at $ 400.
All PS5 details.
"The Sons will pay $ 500 on the PS5 again Microsoft has the biggest annual revenueJudging by the money spent by the Xbox owner. We should remember that Microsoft is a large and lucrative business company, in terms of technology, operating systems, internet and server services, cloud services, office automation software, etc. " cut the price $ 100 to be less competitive
Surprisingly, Pachter said this in an interview with reporter Geoff Keighley, at a meeting where Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg and Peter Moore were involved. ¿Microsoft will sell its console at a loss beating their opponents in the first few months, or are we dealing with one of Pachter's many absurd ideas?
Of course hitting the Microsoft table would have improved, if these prices were confirmed.
Source: Gamingbolt