It was time to say goodbye. The manga written and illustrated by Akitaka, ‘Ochikazuki ni Naritai Miyazen-san’, announced that its latest chapter will be available in August.
The close relationship between Matsubayashi and Miyazen will end in the next issue of Square Enix publisher’s Gangan Joker magazine on August 20, while its digital version will take a few more days.
Akitaka herself revealed through her official Twitter account that the play will be ready in her networks by the end of next month, giving fans a couple more weeks to enjoy the romantic comedy.
“The physical version of ‘Ochikazuki ni Naritai Miyazen-san’ comes to an end in the next issue, and the Twitter version will be published until the end of next month, so thank you!”
In the story, Matsubayashi wants to be friends with his prim and proper classmate Miyazen, and without him knowing, the feeling is mutual.
However, being a cheeky-looking criminal, he has a lot of trouble communicating with her despite her brave (and shameful) attempts to use references to her favorite entertainment pieces.
‘Ochikazuki ni Naritai Miyazen-san’ was published irregularly on the Pixiv website and through the author’s personal Twitter account since April 2019, where thanks to her exposure she managed to be captured by Square Enix executives.
The manga began to be published in Gangan Joker magazine in February 2020, counting to date with 3 compiled volumes that will become 4 in the coming months.
Are you ready to know the denouement of ‘Ochikazuki ni Naritai Miyazen-san’? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to keep an eye on all the news from the world of anime and manga here on PlayerOne.