Japanese developer Capcom, known for its many fighting games, has shown renewed interest in its classic fighting titles. In a recent interview with the portal GamerbravesTakayuki Nakayama and Shuhei Matsumoto—director and producer of Street Fighter 6 respectively—confirmed that they are working to get more older Capcom games released on current platforms.
Our goal is that fans can once again enjoy the games that marked their childhood and youth,” commented Takayuki Nakayama. «We know that there are many titles that players miss and we want to do everything we can to bring them back. Shuhei Matsumoto added that, while our desire is for all Capcom games to be available on current platforms, there are certain technical and licensing obstacles that we must overcome,” explained Shuhei Matsumoto, producer of the project. «We are working hard to find solutions and make fans’ dreams come true
Although an official list has not been confirmed, some titles that are not yet available on current platforms are mentioned in the interview, such as:
- Rival Schools: United by Fate
- Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
- Tech Romancer
- Star Gladiator
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future
- Street Fighter X Tekken
It’s important to note that while Capcom intends to bring back many of these games, there are technical and licensing limitations—as in the case of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future y SF x TK— that could affect the re-release of some of these classic Capcom fighting games.
For fighting game fans this is great news. Since, it is a sign that Capcom values the legacy of its fighting games and wants players of new generations to be able to experience these classics on modern platforms. In addition, the return of these games can give a new look to the local tournaments of the communities of fighting title players.
Fuente: GamerBraves