A new installment in Falcom’s beloved RPG game series will arrive just in time for the franchise’s 35th anniversary celebration. This Japanese study finally announced Ys X: Nordics, the tenth part of the franchise without counting the ‘spin-off’. They gave the first details about its plot, revealed some images and commented in which year and which platforms it will arrive.
This game will take place in the Obelia Bay collection of islands, located in the North Sea. Adol Christin travels there to meet the Normans and face the Griegers, undead beings that attack humans.
The battle system will be improved. The new system of ‘Cross Action‘ will allow players to use two combat modes at the same time to better accommodate each situation. The Solo Mode allows companions to be controlled by the AI, while the Combination Mode gives us control of all allies on the battlefield.
Another novelty of Ys X: Nordics Does we can control a ship to explore the ocean and engage in sea battles.
Ys X: Nordics It will arrive on PS4, PS5 and Nintendo Switch in 2023. At the moment it has only been announced for Japan, but we have no doubt that it will also go on sale in the West.
Via: Gematsu
Fuente: Game’s official website for Japan