In 1993, amidst the “pet platformer” craze generated by Sonic The HedgehogSunsoft published a curious title with an acrobatic bat as its protagonist. Aero the Acro-Bat He was never as well-known as Mario or Sonic, but he is fondly remembered by some and his game is finally back on modern consoles.
This title was originally released for the Sega Genesis and eventually made its way to the Super Nintendo as well. If you didn’t know about it in the nineties (or the Game Boy Advance version which came out at the beginning of the century), have a new opportunity with this re-release. Here is the trailer announcing this new version developed by Ratalaika Games and Shinyuden.
Those of us who knew it back in the day know that this was not an easy game. Fortunately, the new version will have several options that will make the experience easier:
- We can rewind the action or even speed it up.
- Option to save the game at any time.
- There are ‘tricks’ or ‘cheats’ that we can activate to make Aero immortal, give him infinite lives, etc.
- Various filters to change the look of the game.
- Art Gallery.
Aero The Acro-Bat will be released for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X|S and Nintendo Switch on Friday, August 2, 2024.