Upon cancellation of E3, Xbox Series X and PS5 would be revealed ahead of time

The Boss

Upon cancellation of E3, Xbox Series X and PS5 would be revealed ahead of time

Ahead, Cancellation, PS5, revealed, series, time, Xbox

Yes, we already know, another rumor about the next generation consoles; but it is that, with all the plan changes caused by the cancellation of E3, it was impossible not to touch the Xbox Series X and at PS5.

With all gaming events canceled, from E3 until Gamescom, Microsoft and Sony They must be planning a new strategy to reveal more information about their new consoles.

In this regard, an industry analyst predicts that these conferences could happen sooner than expected.

Expert predictions

Daniel Ahmad He is recognized in the media for his opinions and predictions, usually correct.

In this case he touched on the subject of the reorganization of announcements and conferences:

With E3 canceled, many of the revelations / announcements planned for that week have moved.
Some are much earlier now, others much later. Some will still happen during E3 week.
The first next-gen console / game reveals will also be much earlier.

And although this last line is what has sparked the rumors, Ahmad He also added that, with a global pandemic happening around us, nothing is certain.

So even if it's not planned, things could always change at the last minute.

What could happen with Xbox Series X and PS5?

All of these assumptions leave us with two possible scenarios:

  • Early revelations that would take place during May.

Especially in the case of Microsoft, since the possibility that they had a ‘presentation in form’ of the Xbox Series X, during this E3.

  • Delays in presentations, scheduled for after June, or later that month.

In the case of PlayStation, so far we only have the disclosure of the control, and a conference of specifications of the console, by Mark Cerny.

Although what the fans really want, right now, is to know what the PS5.

At the moment, everything is uncertain, and there is no official statement from the companies on when they will give more information regarding their upcoming consoles.

We recommend you: Report: By Covid, the PS5 release would be limited and costly.


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