That advertised additional expectation creates even more when it is an article already known as & # 39; The Last of Us & # 39; and this has been understood by the staff of Sony, because before the new installment & # 39; Last of Us: Part II & # 39 ;, they will publish a series of video related games.
In this case they have published the first video of its contents related to the subject matter and the motives that have driven the characters to specific actions.
The first game of this formidable and survivable claim created by Naughty Dog and starring in PlayStation 3, has been on the market for years and is considered a favorite in the genre of survivors of all kinds of evil that may be hitt ing this little planet.
It is widely known that & # 39; Last Delivery To Us: Part II & # 39; is delayed by COVID-19 related issues, but not for that reason why the people of Sony will allow your offspring to drop and much less in these times of epidemic, fashion theme and to impress its fans, it fits perfectly with the history of the game.
The first of many entries
The first installment of the video focuses first on the short history of the game where the emphasis is on violent events leading to subsequent refunds and where fans are expected to participate in commenting on the events that took place there.
Recorder Hiking Gross said the idea they have in the video is for users to ask themselves questions about the causes of hate they feel for the characters in the article and what actions the fans can take.
Among the details revealed in the video, the fact that Elie, now 19, will be very mature and will be living in the apartment with Joel and Dinah. It will be when they begin to present a series of events that will change the course of his peaceful life.
It all suggests that the video aims to establish a connection between the video and the fans through their comments, which will continue to interest the game and await its release, slated to run on June 19.
On their own, PlayStation people have commented on their blog that there will be some weekly entries where topics such as gameplay and the state of the events in which the events take place will be discussed. We leave the first trailer printed for you.