Articles for tag: 32GB, DDR5, imposed, RAM, sense, standard

The Boss

DDR5 imposed 32GB of RAM as standard, but does that make sense?

DDR5 imposed 32GB of RAM as standard, but does that make sense?

Okay, let’s be real: not everyone uses a PC to play games, just like not everyone works with databases and memory-intensive processes. A Windows PC can run smoothly with 4GB of RAM although admittedly no one has more of it and the least we see is 8GB even in these cheap laptops for basic use. ...

The Boss

Crucial Ballistix 32GB DDR4 RAM for sale

Crucial Ballistix 32GB DDR4 RAM for sale

RAM is an essential component of a PC on any PC, and lately it's not as fast as its capacity when games and applications ask for it. Because not everything is gaming on a gaming PC, the systems — especially the good ones— also have high RAM requirements, and no longer go away. have 32 ...

The Boss

ADATA announces its XPG SPECTRIX D50 DDR4 RGB 32GB memories

ADATA announces its XPG SPECTRIX D50 DDR4 RGB 32GB memories

AdATA has announced the launch of the XPG SPECTRIX D50 DDR4 RGB memory module. With a speed of up to 4800 MHz, and a maximum speed of 32 GB with good geometric design, the XPG SPECTRIX D50 offers a sleek style performance for hackers and PC enthusiasts. Made exclusively with high-performance chip and PCBs, the ...

The Boss


32GB DDR4 new memories with Ultra low latency

These new features introduced by G.SKILL have several variations and similarities that other kits do not share and it is very common to see them in the same presentation. Also, while the details may not be surprising in detail, we must take a closer look at some details that we are talking about high dose ...

The Boss


G. SKill announces 32GB DDR4 ultra low latency memory

New high power, low latency DDR4-3200 CL14-18-18-38 memory kit based on 32GB modules in the Trident Z RGB series, Trident Z Royal and Trident Z Neo. G.SKILL's entry announces 32GB ultra-low latency DDR4 memories for the first time from TecnoGaming.