Articles for tag: Adventure, confinement, Country, Donkey, Freeze, Frosty, Guides, Kong, news, Tropical, Walkthrough

The Boss

Cloudpunk review-the stylish new black adventure cannot fully release material •

Cloudpunk review-the stylish new black adventure cannot fully release material •

It was a bit overwhelming at first. Nivalus-this metropolis stretches for miles under your HOVA jetliner-vast and unpleasant, distracting highways and tall buildings, neon lights flashing under the dark clouds. The flashes of billboards and advertisements (selected shades of blue, yellow, white, orange) bounced off the concrete wall without ever softening the sharp edges of ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Turn the Seinfeld series into a classic graphic adventure

Turn the Seinfeld series into a classic graphic adventure

It was not yet the 90s when a series called Seinfeld as one of its creators who plays himself. It lasted almost 10 years, long enough for other successful sitcoms to appear such as Friends who lived with Seinfeld. It was a phenomenon and classified as one of the best programs in history, where various ...