Articles for tag: Armed, consoles, gun, Squirrel

Geralt of Sanctuary

Squirrel with a Gun: Armed squirrel also comes to consoles

Squirrel with a Gun: Armed squirrel also comes to consoles

After the PC, the crazy armed squirrel is now set to make its way onto consoles. There is now a rough release date for this. In the video game industry, really crazy game ideas sometimes cause a stir. For example, there is the chaotic physics simulator Goat Simulator with a goat as the protagonist – ...

The Boss

from a pirate armed to the teeth to another giant and golden one

from a pirate armed to the teeth to another giant and golden one

Video games are not always as coherent as we expect. Many studios often include elements in their video games that go beyond the experience and which we usually call references, winks or Easter eggs. We have told you about some of them. Gears of War And now we’re back with another completely absurd one. Epic ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

An armed squirrel goes viral

An armed squirrel goes viral

Whether the rodent can even reach the trigger with its paws? But to be on the safe side, you shouldn’t provoke him. Squirrels are cute but also dangerous! At least one game that recently on Steam appeared and previously with absurd and amusing video clips made a name for itself. Squirrel with a Gun lets ...

It's 2020, so of course, the Armed Pokémon was in protest mode

It's 2020, so of course, the Armed Pokémon was in protest mode

Because the United States of America is a fast-losing country, unable to perform the most important tasks, a home rule order issued by the Governor of Michigan-like one is suspended everywhere around the planet in order save lives-You have experienced armed protests. And Pokemon are armed. Amidst the small crowd of gunmen, foxes and MAGA ...