Articles for tag: 25th, Birthday, celebrates, Sims


The Sims celebrates the 25th birthday

The Sims celebrates the 25th birthday

Electronic Arts celebrates the 25th birthday of the cult series The Sims today. Since the publication in 2000, the Sims players all over the world has inspired endless creativity and unique charm. The well-known life simulation and the pop culture phenomenon initially had modest beginnings, but quickly developed into one of the best-selling video game ...


By chance: Takaya Imamura says Nintendo never celebrated his 100th birthday

By chance: Takaya Imamura says Nintendo never celebrated his 100th birthday

Picture: Zion Grassl / Nintendo Life We understand – not everyone is enjoying their birthdays, even birthdays. But watch, nintendo, how to next Earth Can't you celebrate your 100th birthday? Well, according to the former Nintendo artist Takaya Imamura-man responsible for the design of F-Zero, Star Fox and artistic director for Majora's Mask-Tomtendo, he completely ...


Creator and surprise guests for the 25th birthday

Creator and surprise guests for the 25th birthday

The Sims releases line-up for upcoming 25th anniversary stream. On the occasion of The Sims' 25th birthday on February 4th, the 25-hour live stream will be held for the first time Align of the participating creators. There are many popular personalities from The Sims community and beyond, such as Ironmouse or the award-winning content creator ...


Today would have been Satoru Iwata's 65th birthday

Today would have been Satoru Iwata's 65th birthday

Picture: Nintendo Today, December 6, 2024, marks the 65th birthday of the late Satoru Iwata. The legendary Nintendo president, who held the position from May 2002 until his death in July 2015, touched the hearts of many during his time at the helm of the company, respected for his passion for video games, his ability ...


Sims 4 Birthday: How does a Sim grow up?

Sims 4 Birthday: How does a Sim grow up?

News wise Sims 4 Birthday: How does a Sim grow up? Published on January 12, 2024 at 8:30 p.m Share: Unless you disable age progression in The Sims 4, Sims, just like humans, will not escape aging. To make the transition between each age group easier, you can organize birthday parties. We'll explain how to ...


Halo 2: Developers celebrate 20th birthday

Halo 2: Developers celebrate 20th birthday

For Halo 2’s 20th birthday, there is a playlist with iconic maps in Halo Infinite, and the E3 demo is playable for the first time. The second part of the Halo saga celebrates its 20th birthday in November. Halo 2 was released in North America on November 9, 2004. In Europe and Japan the launch ...


Notice of tenth birthday update?

Notice of tenth birthday update?

There could be an update in November for the tenth anniversary of the Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Several Halo games are in development, powered by Unreal Engine 5 from now on. Developer 343 Industries announced this news under its new name Halo Studios over the weekend. The developers talked about this important step in ...

The Boss

Get the Felina skin and birthday items for free

Get the Felina skin and birthday items for free

Battle Royale mode is celebrating its anniversary and, as is tradition, the gifts are for us players. We are going to tell you what we have to do to get the new Felina skin, her pickaxe, styles and the new cosmetic items for the 7th birthday of Fortnite. Free Felina skin and cosmetic items in ...