Articles for tag: analysis, Bloom, Lost, part, Rage, records

The Boss

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (Tape 1) Comments

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage (Tape 1) Comments

A fascinating new narrative adventure of the initial life is the weird team, the first slice with new twists and turns that helps push the formula forward, even if its story sometimes feels a genre of metaphorical mix. It's been five years since life ended, and it's a weird 2, not a nodding passion, sometimes ...


Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist gets another update

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist gets another update

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube796kWatch YouTube After January, Dark Fantasy Metroidvania Ender Magner: Bloom in the fog has now received another update of the game. This one runs to the title to Version 1.0.4 and comes with some adaptations of GamePlay's GamePlay corrections. Here's a full demolition, kindness of the official steam page: Ender ...

The Boss

Bloom & Rage – Tape 1 and more –

Bloom & Rage – Tape 1 and more –

On February 18, as part of the February programming of the game catalog, you can enjoy the nostalgic journey of Do't Nodgic through Michigan in the 90s in the form of the first episode of the episodic narration Adventure Lost Records: Bloom & Rage – Tape 1. Tape 2 of history is launching in the ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Everything we saw in the first score 2025

Everything we saw in the first score 2025

Picture: Sega Today, February 12, 2025, Sony held out his first State of Play Showcase from 2025. There were no massive surprises, but there were a lot of really neat looking games that could simply attract attention. In particular, there was a good part of the melee campaign of third parties, in which swords were ...


Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist gets a new update

Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist gets a new update

Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube795k The dark fantasy metroidvania ender magnolia: Bloom in the fog arrived at the Switch Eshop late last month and has now received an update. This runs into the title to Version 1.0.3 and includes some adjustments as well as a bunch of programming mistakes. Here's the full development of ...


Ender Magnolia Bloom in the Mist Updated (patches)

Ender Magnolia Bloom in the Mist Updated (patches)

It's not just a fantasy independent that has recently received a brand new update. The second game that is just updated is Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist, a game of metroidvania officially posted on multiple platforms, including Nintendo Switch, a few weeks ago. This update is especially for version 1.0.3. The update contains “mostly ...


Ender Magnolia analysis: Bloom in the mist

Ender Magnolia analysis: Bloom in the mist

With a metroidvania approach with a difficult difficulty, we will plant in the face of all the challenges that Ender Magnolia Cache: Bloom in the mist There are franchises that always try to renew each launch, in their visual section as in their playable scheme. One of the examples we have just ahead Ender Magnolia: ...