Articles for tag: board, Games, solo

Geralt of Sanctuary

Best Solo Board Games

Best Solo Board Games

Despite them being generally a homecoming, it will be difficult to play board games over the next few months because they tend to make people pass and interact with people. Unless, of course, you play one of these excellent board games. In the last few years, many wide-ranging board games have seen the lil & ...

The Boss

The board with the highest Intel CPU support?

The board with the highest Intel CPU support?

The obligation to upgrade to a new board has never been so appealing to users, so good at Intel they enjoy two generations of untrained CPUs. Although several times we have seen how even keeping one socket Intel has urged on board reforms, "forcing" manufacturers not to support BIOS while the company did not provide ...


Top board games in the App Store to combat boredom

Top board games in the App Store to combat boredom

After the announcement of the emergency in Spain and many other countries, many people feel frustrated and bored with being locked up in their homes and unable to move out. But there are many things we can do to celebrate, like playing board games on the iPhone and / or iPad. That is why today ...