Articles for tag: Borderlands, Borderlands 4, date, Gearbox, launch, pc, release, xbox series x


Borderlands 4 already has a release date

Borderlands 4 already has a release date

Although it is not directly linked to Xbox, the recent playing state, we could see many games that will also reach our Xbox consoles. And even if we had already told you before Borderlands 4Today, we bring you what its final release date will be. On this occasion, as logic, ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Borderlands 4: The shooter has a release date

Borderlands 4: The shooter has a release date

Borderlands 4 and GTA 6 are two big titles that await us in the bellows and both come from Take-Two, mother company of 2K and rock star. One of the two now has a fixed appointment. If a publisher wants to publish two large games in one year, he will probably try to avoid any ...

The Boss

Borderlands 4 gets a release date, and its own special PlayStation State State Stone Clote State Nate now surely features 10 tacky jokes per second

Borderlands 4 gets a release date, and its own special PlayStation State State Stone Clote State Nate now surely features 10 tacky jokes per second

Borderlands 4 has appeared in PlayStation status today, with a fresh trailer and an appropriate release date of September 23, 2025. It will also get its own special PlayStation playback status this spring, which will almost certainly play for Randy Pitchford to speak, just like he does here. To view this content, enable targeting cookies. ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Borderlands (film): Nominated for several awards

Borderlands (film): Nominated for several awards

The Borderlands film, released in August 2024, was only partially well received by fans. Humor, quality and many other points simply couldn't convince the community, and the prominent cast didn't help either. The nominations for various awards could now seem all the more interesting. However, director Eli Roth and the cast including Jamie Lee Curtis, ...


Borderlands 3: New Shift Code Full of Keys

Borderlands 3: New Shift Code Full of Keys

Get rewards for Borderlands 3 and more with this shift code from Gearbox Software. The developer Gearbox Software releases a new shift code. In January Gearbox is giving away a shift code for Borderlands 3 and more. The rewards are: 3x Golden Keys for Borderlands 1 3x Golden Keys for Borderlands 2 3x Golden Keys ...


Borderlands 3: Big shift code at the beginning of the year

Borderlands 3: Big shift code at the beginning of the year

Get rewards for Borderlands 3 and more with this New Year Shift Code from Gearbox Software. The developer Gearbox Software celebrated the New Year and released a new shift code. At the beginning of the year, Gearbox is providing a shift code for Borderlands 3 and more. The rewards are: 3 x Golden Keys for ...