Articles for tag: bosss, Cooperative video games, Diablo, Gearbox, Gears, Gears 5, Gears of War 3, Gears of War: Verdict, Microsoft games, my city, original, plan, Rod Ferguson, Space, Third person shooter, Travel, War equipment, Windows games

Geralt of Sanctuary

Diablo 4 Boss’s original plan for Gears 6 was space travel

Diablo 4 Boss’s original plan for Gears 6 was space travel

It’s been five years since the last one Gearbox games and during Gears of War: E-Day was announced at Microsoft’s last major Xbox ShowcaseThere’s no word on if or when The Coalition will continue work on the story left behind Gears 5. The game’s executive producer Rod Ferguson recently shared what his plan was for ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Nightingale: Ex-Bioware boss’s game postponed

Nightingale: Ex-Bioware boss’s game postponed

Boring, another postponement. This time, Nightingale, the new game from ex-Bioware boss Aaryn Flynn, got it, and for a very mundane reason. Hey, would you like a postponement again? It was so rare this year… Inflexion Games, the new studio from former Bioware boss Aaryn Flynn, was supposed to go into Early Access at least ...