Articles for tag: Access, BSI, MMS, mobile, phones, Samsung, users, vulnerability, warns

The Boss

Vulnerabilities in Chrome and Edge: BSI reveals how to close them

Vulnerabilities in Chrome and Edge: BSI reveals how to close them

Let you make your computer safe again April 5, 2020, 2:15 pm Reading time: 1 minute The Federal Office of Information Security recommends users of Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge to update. The latest version of the browser fixes some vulnerabilities, and third parties can use these vulnerabilities to access your computer through the browser. ...

The Boss

Smartphones should become more secure: here's what manufacturers think of BSI requirements

Smartphones should become more secure: here's what manufacturers think of BSI requirements

Samsung considers itself well-positioned February 29, 2020, 8:30 am Reading time: Two minutes The Federal Office of Information Security (BSI) requires mobile phone manufacturers to provide devices with longer security patches and typically handle the "update" topic more transparently. Samsung and Huawei were the first manufacturers to comment on BSI requirements.  Samsung manager Olaf ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

BSI demands more security for smartphones

BSI demands more security for smartphones

Smartphones are to become safer for consumers in the future, the BSI demands. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has one Requirements catalog published, the smartphone manufacturer should commit to certain security criteria for their hardware. With these requirements, the BSI wants to ensure an increased level of consumer protection. The Office writes in ...