Articles for tag: bombshell, Bully, Edition, Happening, ranked, scholarship, Taiwan


GTA in Tokyo, Bully 2: Rockstar Games’ secret projects revealed!

GTA in Tokyo, Bully 2: Rockstar Games’ secret projects revealed!

No rest for pirates. On Christmas Eve, Rockstar suffered another blow. The source code of GTA 5 ended up on the Internet. The Daily, here we go. Everything comes together for Rockstar. The source code of GTA 5 has been leaked on the internet. The 4.5 GB of data also contains information about possible other ...


Are you developing Bully 2?

Are you developing Bully 2?

Si l’on sait désormais que GTA VI est en développement, certains joueurs attendent also de pied ferme un certain Bully 2. Alors, faut t-il perdre espoir ? Visiblement non selon cet insider bien connu. Le toujours très informé Tom Henderson a profit from the announcement of Rockstar Games on the official development of GTA VI ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Rockstar Games suddenly remembers the Midnight Club series

Rockstar Games suddenly remembers the Midnight Club series

image: Rockstar Games Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two Interactive (the parent company of Rockstar Games) listed some of the publisher’s most popular and successful franchises in an investor call today. And during that meeting, Take-Two and Rockstar Games apparently remembered that the Midnight bar franchise exists. It has been over a decade since the last ...

The Boss

Bully 2 may be under development pressure-report

Bully 2 may be under development pressure-report

Blake Hester of Game Informer posted a report on Bully 2 This may be the cause of the failure of the studio to develop the sequel. In short, Rockstar New England has been pushed in multiple directions so that Bully 2 is no longer the focus of developers working there. Rockstar New England was acquired ...