Articles for tag: Catherine Halsey, Chiefs, Cortana, Del Rey books, dev, Ego shooter, Games, gloriole, Halo, Halo 5: Guardian, Halo Infinite, Infinite, Jen Taylor, Kotaku, Master, Master Chief, Microsoft games, moment, Paul Crocker, Samuel, shocking, talks, Video game characters, video games, Windows games

Geralt of Sanctuary

Halo Infinite Dev talks about Master Chief’s most shocking moment

Halo Infinite Dev talks about Master Chief’s most shocking moment

Screenshot: 343 industries The most shocking moment in Halo infinite it’s not about detonating a derelict ancient space station or accidentally awakening a once dormant threat. It’s a brief exchange between two main characters that reveals to what extent gloriole Protagonist Master Chief would go to fulfill what he sees as his immovable duty. It’s ...


Section 2: New York Army Chiefs

Section 2: New York Army Chiefs

The Strategic Homeland Division, better known as SHD, is a division of the United States charged with maintaining peace in the most urgent cases. Since the busy day spread by Flu of the Dollar, the Section has struggled to maintain peace across the country, confronting armed groups and terrorists. After last Washington D.C. totally illegal, ...