Articles for tag: Android Tutorials, cheated, Chrome, Google, plan, tips, trip


5 Google Chrome tips that will help you plan your next trip

5 Google Chrome tips that will help you plan your next trip

Google has plenty of services that can help you on the go, but Google Chrome, in particular, also has some great options for all things travel planning, and we’re going to teach you how to get the most out of it. [Guía para irte de vacaciones con Google y tu móvil: reservas, trucos, Google Lens ...


How to scan all your passwords with Google Chrome

How to scan all your passwords with Google Chrome

User security and privacy is one of the areas where Google has shown more interest in the near past, and one of the best features the company has provided to users is a password manager who is also able to analyze them in search of weaknesses. [Comprueba gratis si tu contraseña ha sido filtrada o ...


Protect Your Private Browsing Tabs in Chrome for iPhone with Face ID

Protect Your Private Browsing Tabs in Chrome for iPhone with Face ID

Enable private browsing tabs in Face ID now. It’s very easy. Google Chrome Face ID. join the conversation Despite the vast majority of users who have an Apple device use the Safari browser (which by the way just turned 20), there are people who prefer to use other browsers like Chrome, because of its compatibility ...


Google’s latest Chrome feature: Extend the life of your MacBook

Google’s latest Chrome feature: Extend the life of your MacBook

We know the MacBook M1 and M2 have incredible battery life, but the exact number can vary wildly depending on the apps you’re using. The latest Chrome update is designed to ensure that Chrome is one of the best. Google on Tuesday unveiled some details about the new version of its browser that will be ...

The Boss

Chrome is updated to consume less RAM and also energy

Chrome is updated to consume less RAM and also energy

The software is less and less optimized, something that we see especially in the video game segment. Undoubtedly, the least optimized software currently is the Google Chrome browser. This browser is a meme of consumes a lot of RAMbut more, because Google has Fixed this issue in Chrome. For years, the most used browser was ...