Articles for tag: commonly, imagine, password


You can’t imagine which password is most commonly used (or yes)

You can’t imagine which password is most commonly used (or yes)

There are unchanging habits. Although the fact that strategies to violate the privacy of our mobile devices and digital services are the order of the day and recommendations for building strong passwords against these attacks are scarce, many users still prioritize them. Simple passwords remembering and discovering. Therefore, integration “123456” has become a common point ...

The Boss


The most commonly used console will be laptops with RTX, according to NVIDIA

During the last investor conference held by NVIDIA, Huang compared NVIDIA RTX graphics laptops to consoles, in an attempt to attack PS5 and Xbox Series X, both powered by AMD hardware. "Our laptop business, as our finance director has mentioned, was growing eight heads in a row, creating two incredible new gaming segments, as if ...


These are the most commonly used web browsers in the world

What is the most commonly used software or tool on our computers and / or mobile computers? Whatsapp? Instagram? ¿Facebook? Not at all web browser. It is important even though in most cases we do not actually give it the proper value. Although there are many options available, choosing one or the other is very ...