Articles for tag: Consequence, Country, Detective, Entertainment, episode, Front page, Horror, Icy, impressions, in.., It is, Night, Polygon, reveals, Secret, Slow, Slowly, thaws, true, TV

The Boss

Consequence 76: Wasters-How to grow gold bars and national debt

Consequence 76: Wasters-How to grow gold bars and national debt

Recent Wastelanders updates have been added bullion As a new currency in Fallout 76, you will need a large amount of currency to purchase the latest merchandise in the camp. bullion It is a new currency that will bring you unprecedented benefits. Before you start collecting this new currency, you need to complete the first ...

The Boss

Consequence 76: Wasters-How to recruit Beckett and Sofia

Consequence 76: Wasters-How to recruit Beckett and Sofia

Wasteman For the first time, human NPCs are added to Fallout 76, just like Fallout 4, you can choose to indulge in some of them. Settlers, raiders, and various other groups reached Appalachian in Fallout 76, this is the first time you can Recruit allies To your camp. However, you can only have one ally ...