Articles for tag: Dental, DVD, repair

The Boss

Can you repair a dental CD or DVD?

Can you repair a dental CD or DVD?

In most cases, the scratches that a CD, DVD, or BluRay can have are quite vague and, luckily, these devices have polycarbonate layer transparent in the learning environment. So, knowing whether a CD can be repaired or not, is the first thing to consider the depth of these texts– If it is shallow you can ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Updating Games on PS4 It's Like Dental Teeth

Kotaku Game DiaryKotaku Game DiaryDaily thoughts from Kotaku staff about the game we play. Little things can start to add over time and eventually become part of your snaps and you can't help but get mad. This happened to me recently while trying to play some games on PS4, all of which needed a review. ...