Articles for tag: Android, app, avoid, clock, desk, distractions, timer, Turns


portable console, desk and Smart TV

portable console, desk and Smart TV

Android TV unofficially came to the Nintendo Switch to offer a different way to access a large amount of content, both in handheld console mode and with the switch docked to your TV station. Do you want to know if it is worth it? We tested SwitchRoot on its Android 10 TV version. With the ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Which Desk Is Most Standing?

Which Desk Is Most Standing?

So you work from home, eh? What an event, me too. But like me, have you spent every day sitting down for 10-12 hours straight, working nonstop, before deciding to run for 10 miles and calling Lyft Road in the middle because the movements make it impossible to breathe? Yes, me too. Okay, maybe I ...

The Boss


A bigger and wider desk, or a smaller and more discerning, what is better?

Having a large computer table is ideal for putting the PC on top of it, and also having Ultra-panoramic screens or multiple configurations. However, there are times when we no longer need it more space because dismissed, and if we had chosen a smaller table we would have included some such alternatives they can provide ...

The Boss


Make your desk comfortable and reduce your fatigue with these tips

Whether it's work or because you spend long hours playing, having a long time is doing something eventually it produces fatigue, discomfort and even pain. Having a comfortable desk can help you reduce all these symptoms, and having a more comfortable environment will also help you become your focus is on what you are doing, ...

The Boss


How to order cables on a desk using canoes

One thing must be looked at, and as much as we want hide and order wires and even though we are taking medicines, it is almost impossible to have them The PC table is completely wiped off. At the end of the day, there's a cable that should reach the keyboard of another mouse (unless ...