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Geralt of Sanctuary

Detective Pikachu, for Nintendo Switch, about to appear

Detective Pikachu, for Nintendo Switch, about to appear

The middle NintendoSoup reports that Nintendo Japan has uploaded two private videos of Detective Pikachu on your Japanese YouTube account. The original video game of this new character in the Pokémon franchise premiered in 2018 for the Nintendo 3DS, so everything points to this movement having to do with the sequel announced for Nintendo Switch ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

What if Barack Obama had starred in Detective Pikachu?

In 2019, the first live-action Pokémon movie was released with overwhelming success. Detective Pikachu and especially Ryan Reynolds put all the spectators in his pocket making Pikachu more thug to date. Despite this, the electric Pokémon retained its adorability in some scenes, being the best mate that Tim Goodman could have. Both feed back and ...