Articles for tag: Amazon, cards, day, Deals, digital-home, discos, external, HDDs, memories, microSD, Prime, South Dakota, SSD, storage, units, USB key

The Boss

Amazon Prime Day: Best Deals on Storage and Memories

Amazon Prime Day: Best Deals on Storage and Memories

One more year, Amazon Prime Day returns, a few days during which the e-commerce giant offers exclusively to customers subscribed to its Prime service a whole avalanche of discounts and greatly reduced product prices. On this occasion, we have compiled a whole series of storage and memory devices that we usually use with our devices, ...

The Boss

El mejor software para clonar discos

El mejor software para clonar discos

We are not doing any real work at the time of the unveiling of the mayor's capability, the sea un SSD, the NVRAM and the disco duro tradicional, the future of the copios of the anterior disco. un software de clonación. Esto es especialmente interesante si resulta que tu unidad actual contiene la instalación del ...

The Boss


Configura un RAID de discos en la BIOS UEFI de tu placa ASRock

Como resulta evidente, they are necesitaric in the case of disco duro o SSD, que es lo que hace falta para crear volúmenes RAID 1 o RAID 0. para crear volúmenes RAID 5, the SSD disco, when it comes to exact synopsis and the actual music from the otros valores, is the centrarnos en crear ...