Articles for tag: A platformer, A robot, Action Adventure, Arcade, Bitwave games, BlitWorks, Bloomtown: A Different Story, Capcom, Change eShop, Choice, Clear River Games, Collection of Ace Attorney investigations, Digital Eclipse, Elsie, eShop, eShop selections, feature, features, fight, Games of different senses, Grapple Dogs: Cosmic Fangs, Knight shift games, Life, Loddlenaut, Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, Medallion games, Moon lagoon, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Outside of Galaxyland, Peglin, Playtonic friends, puzzle, readers, Red Nexus games, RPG, Sam Enright, Secret mode, selects, September, Shogun showdown, Strategy, Studio Goblinz, Super rare originals, Switch, Team17, Trick! 2, Twin Sails, United Label, Worms Armageddon: Anniversary Edition