Articles for tag: accident, breaks, Business Continuity Planning, catastrophe, Company, Cooperation, device, Disaster Preparedness, emergency management, Entertainment, Fire, fuse, Headquarters, IT risk management, Japan, my box, Nintendo, response to disasters, risk management, Video game company

Geralt of Sanctuary

Fire breaks out at Nintendo Company headquarters in Japan

Fire breaks out at Nintendo Company headquarters in Japan

NHK reported that a small fire broke out at the Nintendo headquarters in Kyoto yesterday afternoon. Authorities are still investigating the exact cause of the fire but it is believed to have been started by a faulty device being charged The local fire service says the fire, which broke out in a third-floor room, was ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Game developers in Shanghai hit by Chinese lockdown and food crisis

Game developers in Shanghai hit by Chinese lockdown and food crisis

picture: HoYover For the last few days, Genshin Impact player have speculated on how extended lockdowns and food crises in Shanghai have impacted the game’s development. The promised Teapot event was never released and the Serenitea housing system was in extended maintenance mode since early April. my box has now confirmed that the extended lockdown ...