Articles for tag: burn, Death, Firepower, flamethrower, Helldivers, illuminate, includes, including, Legend, turret, Urban, Warbond

The Boss

Need more firepower to take on Helldivers 2’s Illuminate? Well, urban legend Warbond includes a flamethrower turret that can burn everything to death – including you

Need more firepower to take on Helldivers 2’s Illuminate? Well, urban legend Warbond includes a flamethrower turret that can burn everything to death – including you

After yesterday's major update, Hellraiser 2 developer Arrowhead has not yet completed the update. It has just deployed a new War Contract for players dealing with the new light threat in Omen of Tyranny. Highlights in terms of equipment? Well, a big new flamethrower, and a big pointed stun baton. In case you missed it, ...

The Boss

Edit button on Twitter: What changes is Elon Musk proposing?

Edit button on Twitter: What changes is Elon Musk proposing?

Elon Musk continues to be talked about these days on social networks. More specifically, on Twitter, after becoming its main shareholder overnight by taking over 9.2% of the network for a value of $2,890 million. Before the purchase, Elon Musk had launched an investigation in which he questioned the freedom of expression on the social ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Pre-order Far Cry 6: Collector’s Edition with Flamethrower

Pre-order Far Cry 6: Collector’s Edition with Flamethrower

Far Cry 6 will not be released until October, but you can already pre-order the open-world action cracker in the Ubisoft Store – there is even a crazy goodie waiting for collectors: a flamethrower! Liberate your homeland of Yara from Castillo’s regime. Far Cry 6 has once again raised a unique, charismatic enemy. A tropical ...