Articles for tag: Adobe, AirPods, generate, revenue, Spotify


AirPods generate more revenue than Spotify or Adobe

That Apple has a million views is nothing new. And we don't IPhone. Fittingly, the amazing thing about this statement is that there is a well-known product that not only represents a certain percentage of Copertino's revenue, but also adds more profit than well-known companies like Spotify or Adobe. Once you've reduced it, we refer ...

The Boss

Fallout 76 players are using scripts to generate in NPCs

Yuchen 76 players who can't wait for the NPC to officially land are using cheat kits to create their own. When Fallout 76Next year will launch a "Wasteland Warrior" expansion, which will add the first official human NPCs to the barren world of the game. Of course, it is not entirely accurate to say that ...