Articles for tag: Android 13, apps, Google, Google apps, improves, mobile, phone, photos, select,


Google destroys what was left of the best messaging app

Google destroys what was left of the best messaging app

It’s no secret that Google has a serious problem with messaging apps. In the company, they are addicted to creating these types of services, with several internal teams competing with each other. As a result, the situation was often chaotic, with many different apps doing the same thing, but unable to communicate with each other. ...


All the tablet-friendly Google apps you should download

All the tablet-friendly Google apps you should download

Tablets are a product that is gaining more and more success in the market, which encourages more and more manufacturers to launch this product. Google is one such company, and in its services side, it has decided adapt many of your applications to this format. [14 aplicaciones para tu tablet Android que te permitirán aprovecharla ...


Google gives us the long teeth with the new widgets for iPhone

Google gives us the long teeth with the new widgets for iPhone

One of the biggest inconsistencies in the tech industry is the fact that Google apps for iPhone are, in many cases, much better than official apps for Android. [Las 10 razones de Google para que un usuario de iPhone se pase a Android] Google’s apps for the iPhone are very popular, to the point that ...