Articles for tag: experience, haptic, PS5, sensory

The Boss

The PS5 will experience a haptic sensory experience

The PS5 will experience a haptic sensory experience

A few points are what SONY wants to highlight with its new technology. From the sound Storm Engine 3D to his new controls, which created a sense. This has led the Japanese to sell their PS5 console better than Microsoft and that analysts see the good in them. ISONY sold two PS5s for XSX sales ...


With the iPhone SE 2020, the Haptic Touch is now on all iPhones

With the iPhone SE 2020, the Haptic Touch is now on all iPhones

With the introduction of the second generation iPhone SE Apple has definitely taken away the 3D touch on your devices. In addition to the disruption of sales of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, Apple is no longer providing the iPhone with the power screen it has started to replace in its advanced model ...


How to adjust 3D touch speed and haptic response

How to adjust 3D touch speed and haptic response

With the release of iOs 13, Apple is expanding the haptic sensor function to add faster actions in addition to other interactions than before. requires pressure detection on the screen with 3D Touch. In line with this new functionality, which would be popular with many users, it also includes the possibility of adjusting compression time. ...