Articles for tag: Hogwarts, Legacy, magical, supposed, Warner

The Boss

The creators of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone circumvented the copyright on the Hogwarts paintings with a masterstroke

The creators of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone circumvented the copyright on the Hogwarts paintings with a masterstroke

The arrival of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to the big screen was a huge success, as JK Rowling’s best-seller did the same on the big screen. Of course, video game adaptations came along, including the one developed by the studio KnowWonder para PC. The study, under the supervision of Electronic Artscreated the most ...


Hogwarts Legacy gets an update on Nintendo Switch

Hogwarts Legacy gets an update on Nintendo Switch

It seems we have more news related to the successful Hogwarts Legacy that never stops giving us news. After the rumor of a new version on the way, now there is more information about its new patch. This is what it includes the update: Hogwarts Legacy Patch Details Location Fixed incorrect Arabic translations on the ...


Hogwarts Legacy Development Rumor: Director’s Cut

Hogwarts Legacy Development Rumor: Director’s Cut

WB Games achieved great success with Hogwarts Legacy (24 million units sold). Although at this point this statement does not surprise locals or foreigners, the truth is that a recently launched project new update of the title. This has a new photography fashionnew functions… Although what comes out of this ...