Articles for tag: Accelerator, Blackwell, challenges, Gaudi3, Hopper, Intel, NVIDIA

The Boss

The Intel Gaudi3 accelerator challenges NVIDIA and its Hopper and Blackwell

The Intel Gaudi3 accelerator challenges NVIDIA and its Hopper and Blackwell

NVIDIA has become the benchmark in the GPU market for training large language models (LLM) for Artificial intelligence and, according to the economic figures announced by the company a few weeks ago, this market is much more lucrative for the company than the domestic market, where it also constitutes a reference. Intel and AMD are ...

The Boss

NVIDIA Hopper GPUs cannot be used for gaming, they will be very slow!

NVIDIA Hopper GPUs cannot be used for gaming, they will be very slow!

If the information is true, it won’t be long before NVIDIA presents Hopper for the first time, a GPU architecture for HPC that brings with it many unknowns and novelties. The first of these is whether we are facing the first graphics card built by chiplets and therefore by several chips instead of just one. ...

The Boss


NVIDIA Hopper is registered and will focus on MCM GPUs

We know very little about the latest to arrive in the market by NVIDIA. In theory, a new build that should surprise both users and shareholders should be Ampere, where data is slowly being downloaded and droplets, still unverified rumors. Right now, it looks like NVIDIA is looking to the future and, to our knowledge, ...