Articles for tag: Beta, Final, Google, Humble, Hurray, releases, Stadia, title


utopian, but the range deserves a “ last hurray ”

utopian, but the range deserves a “ last hurray ”

The iPod has been dying for a long time. The only model sold, and very hidden on the official site, is the iPod touch with the A10 Fusion chip presented barely two years ago. It is very strange to see one of these iPod touches being used on the streets, and almost everyone thinks that ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

HQ Trivia has one Final, Drunken Hurray

After hearing the news yesterday that HQ Trivia was flawed and sudden, owner Matt Richards paid $ 5 in his pocket for his final show to have some kind of prize for the stuck-out audience until the end. He then drew their last audience and threatened to crash into the homes of all the trolls ...