Articles for tag: artificial intelligence, Beauty, causing, filter, ICT Tac, News and novelties, Panic, realistic, scary, TikTok


pay attention to the latest trends on YouTube and TikTok

pay attention to the latest trends on YouTube and TikTok

The public launch of ChatGPT has revolutionized the technology industry. Even Google itself panicked, and is already preparing its own “chatbot” capable of answering all our questions; meanwhile, competitors like Microsoft are already integrating this technology into their products. [Nuevo Bing con ChatGPT integrado, así es el buscador que puede hacer que abandones a Google] ...


a simple button makes any video popular

a simple button makes any video popular

Creating a viral video on TikTok is the goal of a large number of users, especially young people who want to get known among their idols on the social network. There’s been a lot of talk about how to create the perfect viral video, attract audiences, and get everyone who sees it to share it ...


Payment functions are coming to TikTok: this is how subscriptions are

Payment functions are coming to TikTok: this is how subscriptions are

TikTok already has paid subscriptions, a new method for creators to monetize their content in exchange for exclusive content that will only reach their paid subscribers. [¿Cómo descargar videos de TikTok sin marca de agua?] It is a function that other platforms like YouTube or Twitch already integrate, and that wins both the social network ...