Articles for tag: abuse, Declaration, harassment, inequality


Declaration against Harassment, Abuse and Inequality

Declaration against Harassment, Abuse and Inequality

Bungie makes a strong statement against harassment, abuse and inequality following litigation with Activision Blizzard. Following the latest allegations and the lawsuit against Activision Blizzard, Bungie has now spoken out. The company issued the following statement: “Bungie is built on empowering our employees, no matter who they are, where they come from, or how they ...

The Boss

Inequalities don’t end telecommuting (and that’s no surprise)

Inequalities don’t end telecommuting (and that’s no surprise)

Teleworking has many advantages. In the morning we can jump out of bed to the desk and start working again with blemishes in our eyes. Or we can even do it without getting up and wearing pajamas, without thinking about what to wear to the office. But all this is nothing more than trivialities when ...