Articles for tag: Fireworks, Infinity, Nikki

The Boss

How to make fireworks in Infinity Nikki

How to make fireworks in Infinity Nikki

You can Artifice fire crafts and launch them from special tubes to create your own fireworks show in Infinity Nikki. Unlike portable fireworks, these fireworks made regularly are a permanent addition to Infinity Nikki, so don't worry to waste your resources while doing them, you have a lot of time to use them! This page ...

The Boss

Cloud ball location in Infinity Nikki

Cloud ball location in Infinity Nikki

You can Visit the Balloon Cloud Top and take a photo To earn melodic points of harmony as part of the limited time event event Infinity Nikki. It is a simple task, but as for most challenges of day 9 of the Strings of Time event in Infinity Nikki, it takes a while to reach ...

The Boss

How to get portable fireworks at Infinity Nikki

How to get portable fireworks at Infinity Nikki

Portable fireworks were added to Infinity Nikki With the addition of fireworks arelands in version 1.2. Unlike handicraft fireworks, portable fireworks are a “creative article” in limited time that you can only use in version 1.2 of Infinity Nikki. This page details exactly How to get portable fireworks at Infinity Nikkiwith How to use portable ...

The Boss

How the artisanal breath of the desert in Infinity Nikki

How the artisanal breath of the desert in Infinity Nikki

Desert Breffe in Infinity Nikki is another perfume that you can create by collecting various materials and exploring a specific cave. This increases the diving distance from the attack distribution distance. The cave in question for this perfume is located on the fireworks arelands, a new area added to Infinity Nikki as part of update ...

The Boss

Infinity War almost included a joke about Sherlock Holmes, but Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch did not see it with good eyes

Infinity War almost included a joke about Sherlock Holmes, but Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch did not see it with good eyes

Avengers: Infinity War He left us with a good number of scenes that, today, have become franchise classics. However, during their recording, others that could have been quite funny were eliminated, since some included references to other franchises. The last one we have known comes from Benedict Cumberbatchwho, through an interview with the American media ...

The Boss

How to get a contrecoric fabric at Infinity Nikki

How to get a contrecoric fabric at Infinity Nikki

Reluctant fabric at Infinity Nikki is yet another type of equipment that you can collect to develop more outfits. However, unlike certain other materials (such as Floof Yarn), the contrary fabric can take some time to collect as a method to make them make the Frayers currently make the Frayers once a day at Infinity ...

The Boss

All places of fireworks in Infinity Nikki

All places of fireworks in Infinity Nikki

There are 12 Fireworks On the fireworks Infinity NikkiAnd find them all reward you with a lot of diamonds, and some documents of secret traditions. Three of these locations are linked to the exclusive quest for “wonderful journey”, so if you only want to progress with this quest, see our page on how to open ...

The Boss

Where to find the Grudge Bag in Infinity Nikki

Where to find the Grudge Bag in Infinity Nikki

Grudge bag in Infinity Nikki is a mini-boss you can fight on the Firework Islands. Once you know their attacks, they are quite easy to beat and it is also thanks to them that you collect Grudging Cloth, a valuable material for making outfits. However, the challenge is primarily finding where they are, as they ...