Articles for tag: arrived, Black, Call, Cargoes, Duty, guide, Influence, Mission, news, Ops, port, Season, Verdansk, Warzone

Today's selection of an article from the Kotaku student-run community: Playing With a Little Influence

Today's selection of an article from the Kotaku student-run community: Playing With a Little Influence

Today's choice of article departure KotakuStudent-led community: Low-impact Playing • Translating Japanese Cookbooks: Orange Tiramisu • Journal Mega Update # 8 • Retro Tie: Sega Master Edition – Coming O (SpellCaster) (TV Commercial, JP) Ad You read TAY, Kotaku's community-run blog. TAY is written by Kotaku readers just like you. We write about sports, art, ...


Convert Developers to Unlock COVID-19 Influence – Feature

Convert Developers to Unlock COVID-19 Influence – Feature

Many of you reading this will have already encountered some kind of social restrictions over the last month or as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic that the country is currently experiencing. While safety measures designed to combat the spread of coronavirus vary from country to country, adequate socioeconomic restrictions and remote access have a ...

The Boss

Hertz, what are they and how do they influence game monitoring?

Hertz, what are they and how do they influence game monitoring?

We won't talk about it Frame rating, FPS and Hertz so without talking about the degree of refreshment. They are all related to a greater or lesser extent, so even though we may not see their differences as such, we must understand why hertz is so important. Hertz or Hz: Why is it more important ...

The Boss


What is CSM and how does it influence BIOS or UEFI boot?

This parameter, which according to the motherboard we find ourselves with more than one available option, is one of the most painful headaches that users have when installing Windows, because it is so connected to both the operating system and its HDD or SSD. So it's easy to know carefully its functions to save us ...