Articles for tag: Comparativa, gráfica, intro, Ori, Wisps, Xbox


The intro of The Witcher is not just a 90-minute show

La serie de Witcher de Netflix se ha converido en todo un éxito. There is no solo dedumidad, we have también de recepción entre fans of the saga de Geralt de Rivia. La obra protagonizada por Henry Cavill ha causado furor en redes sociales, especialmente gracias a la canción Throw a coin into your Witcher, ...

The Boss

This is his nostalgic intro with the original music

Dragon Ball is not a simple entertainment license, is one of the best known and most successful sagas in history, which has marked dozens of generations with their stories, especially focused on the manga and the anime from which it originated. But of course, the Akira Toriyama characters They have made the leap to other ...