Articles for tag: April, brings, Change, classic, Collection, GungHo, GungHo Online fun, JRPG, Lunar, Lunar Remastered Collection, news, Nintendo Switch, Remastered, series, Switch, Upcoming Releases

The Boss

These are the improvements and release date of LUNAR Remastered Collection

These are the improvements and release date of LUNAR Remastered Collection

Those of us who want to relive the glory days of 1990s JRPGs and retro game lovers are very happy for the return of a much-loved duology. We are talking about Lunar Remastered Collection, a compilation that brings us improved versions of LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete y LUNAR 2: Eternal Blue Completewhich originally came out ...


Falcom announces an extended version for Ys X: Nordics

Falcom announces an extended version for Ys X: Nordics

The Ys saga is one of the most beloved licenses by JRPG fans. And it is that although not having been translated into Spanish for the most part (Ys: Origin was the exception), they have unquestionable quality and gameplay that everyone will really like. fans of sagas like Xenoblade or Tales of. It is not ...


Persona 6: JRPG localization started

Persona 6: JRPG localization started

According to insider sources, voice recordings for the localized versions of Persona 6 are already taking place. However, this has not been officially confirmed. People are still waiting in vain for official news about the release of Persona 6, although one or two upcoming events like The Game Awards would be ideal for an official ...

The Boss

Are you a fan of Dragon Quest III and Square Enix’s HD-2D look? You’d better let the developers know, because the producers of JRPG are worried that you’ll all be “bored” by them

Are you a fan of Dragon Quest III and Square Enix’s HD-2D look? You’d better let the developers know, because the producers of JRPG are worried that you’ll all be “bored” by them

Square Enix has released a slew of HD-2D games over the past few years, and the creators of Dragon Quest III Remastered are worried that you might get “bored” with them. The HD-2D style Square Enix introduced with Octopath Traveler was generally well received by fans, and the developer has subsequently used the style in ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

is the ultimate JRPG fantasy from Atlus

is the ultimate JRPG fantasy from Atlus

When I think about what I like most about JRPGs in general, my mind tends to conjure up small static images, often remembering a related musical theme and paying attention to the details of the pixel art or character design and monsters . A bit of the same thing happens to me with Shin Megami ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

is the ultimate JRPG fantasy from Atlus

is the ultimate JRPG fantasy from Atlus

When I think about what I like most about JRPGs in general, my mind tends to conjure up small static images, often remembering a related musical theme and paying attention to the details of the pixel art or character design and monsters . A bit of the same thing happens to me with Shin Megami ...