Articles for tag: Borderlands, caps, events, increase, level, Seasonal

The Boss

As the level caps increase, new Borderlands 3 seasonal events

Gearbox revealed a new seasonal event and a roadmap update that includes higher level caps and substantial quality of life enhancements. New season is coming Borderlands 3 It's a sad day. There are special hearts around enemies in the game. These minds come in many forms, and if you shoot them, you will see multiple ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

What Level Of Video Game Have You Played Most?

The large scale is like a warm bowl of mac and cheese. You can come back to it whenever you need to feel good and happy. Without thinking you can upload and know you'll be fine. Now what level do you keep going back years ago? When I think of the video game levels I've ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

I Upgraded the New World War Personality Level and Broken

Kotaku Game DiaryKotaku Game DiaryDaily thoughts from Kotaku staff about the game we play. Instead of growing the vulpera, which is a new bullet race introduced last week Review ideas Zoth because The World of War, I used the powerful boost I received for my next preorder Shadowlands extension. That gave me instant access to ...

The Boss


Thermaltake Level 20 RS, a new and easy-to-use PC case

Thermaltake Level 20 RS design There are many things this box should highlight, such as the installation of an ARGB light switch on the front. Speaking of the front, the builder has replaced the standard steel grille with a three-dimensional dust filter – removable and non-removable – and they have added three columns to the ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Too Much Work Has Made This Level Useless

Functional empty box.A gift: mrHugster (Reddit) Creating something big, exciting and cool inside Minecraft it is hard work. You should spend hours or days building large buildings, working with others, planning ahead, etc. But it turns out that it takes a lot of work to make something trivial and quietly intelligent Minecraft. Like a small ...