Articles for tag: Apple, cell, iPhone, leader, market, Numbers, phone, Pro, Record


a new era that aspires to the best zoom on the market

a new era that aspires to the best zoom on the market

The best sign to take a rumor seriously is when it comes directly from suppliers. If they start making a component or if there are rivalries between them to do so with Apple as a customer, that component exists and in some way is “confirmed” as part of a future company product. This is what ...

The Boss

Sudden crisis in the PC market, which drops up to 40% of sales

Sudden crisis in the PC market, which drops up to 40% of sales

During the pandemic, we have seen a strong sale of computers due to telecommuting and remote training. That time passed and, as is normal, sales fell like a beast, giving spectacular data. HP and Dell suffer from a drop in sales of more than 40%, while Lenovo is close to 35%, some data only includes ...


Apple retains 75% of ‘premium market’ sales

Apple retains 75% of ‘premium market’ sales

Apple reigns supreme in the high-end smartphone market and 3 out of 4 purchases over $600 are for an iPhone. If you’re going to spend a lot of money on a smartphone, it’s okay to buy an iPhone join the conversation iPhone sales are very relevant in the world, there are 8 iPhones among the ...