Articles for tag: Black, game, generation, increases, Massively, Ops, Pass, subscriptions, Xbox

Geralt of Sanctuary

Worst weapon in the game massively buffed, is it worth it now?

Worst weapon in the game massively buffed, is it worth it now?

The multiplayer of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 started a few weeks ago with a selection of around 50 different weapons. Some of these guns were really superior, others less strong and a few simply underground. In the opinion of many players, the latter also included the M16, which was sometimes voted the worst ...


Mordhau, a massively multiplayer medieval game, is coming to Xbox

Mordhau, a massively multiplayer medieval game, is coming to Xbox

Triternion’s multiplayer action proposition will come to Xbox Series and Xbox One Triternion announced that Mordhauyour multiplayer action up to 64 players, will come to Xbox Series, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but the developer didn’t reveal the title’s release date. Mordahu was released on April 29, 2019 on PC after a successful ...


Android TV begins to massively receive the Google TV interface

Android TV begins to massively receive the Google TV interface

Related news The launch of the Chromecast with Google TV was somewhat confusing because not only was it a more advanced device than the Chromecast known so far, but it also included new software called Google TV, which was an evolution of Android TV. Despite this, Google warned that on iba to stop Android TV, ...