Articles for tag: design, Firearm, game, Gankhulug, Gankhulug Narandavaa, Heavy metal genres, IF 47, Kalashnikov, Kotaku, last, Marcellino Sauceda, mastodon, Maxim Kuzin, Movies, MP155, shotgun, Station, Station B, stole, studio, última, Video, Weapons

Geralt of Sanctuary

Video Game Studio Says Kalashnikov Stole MP-155 Ultima Design

Video Game Studio Says Kalashnikov Stole MP-155 Ultima Design

The Oceanic Mastodon Shotgunimage: oceanic Ward B, the developers of the upcoming FPS oceanic, have accused Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov of directly stealing one of their weapon designs for a new shotgun that is being sold commercially. In an interview with IGN, Marcellino Sauceda, CEO of Ward B, said a Kalashnikov representative contacted them early ...