Articles for tag: Dead, mentioned, PlayStation, port, Red, Redemption, store

Geralt of Sanctuary

Red Dead Redemption: PC port mentioned in PlayStation Store!

Red Dead Redemption: PC port mentioned in PlayStation Store!

PC gamers must be starting to feel like they’re being taken for a ride. To date, Red Dead Redemption, released in 2010, is still reserved for them. In 2023, even the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch were given their own versions. So what’s holding Rockstar back so long? We can’t say why Rockstar Games hasn’t ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Apple hasn’t even mentioned one of the best features yet

Apple hasn’t even mentioned one of the best features yet

As good as this year, the iPhone could not be repaired for a long time. The main reason to get the newly introduced iPhone 14 is hidden under the hood. At least if you believe the repair experts at iFixit. They have the new Apple smartphone opened in their repair teardown and discovered a completely ...


the Xbox exclusivity mentioned in a job ad?

the Xbox exclusivity mentioned in a job ad?

Rumors about Xbox Game Studios Publishing have been circulating for a few months. The team responsible for third-party studio partnerships would actually be in business with a total of 8 titles, including a game in collaboration with Stoic Studio. Today, a new recruitment seems to confirm the creation of a future exclusive Xbox! The banner ...