Articles for tag: analysis, Mikado, Raiden, ReMix


Raiden IV x MIKADO Remix Analysis

Raiden IV x MIKADO Remix Analysis

There was a time when human beings did not accept being alone in the universe, but once they learned that other planets with the same characteristics could exist beyond the sky, the idea of ​​new extraterrestrial species was activated; new worlds await us. However, the interaction between two intelligent species does not necessarily lead to ...


Analysis of Raiden IV x Mikado Remix

Analysis of Raiden IV x Mikado Remix

The most complete version of Raiden IV arrives on your console for a good shooting session The sex of shmups He has always been well supported by all kinds of players. Their quick accessibility, their direct action and the challenge they pose They get hooked from minute one, delivering a healthy dose of punches and ...