Articles for tag: Capturas, Dungeons, estas, luce, Minecraft, nuevas, pantallaiGamesNews


Minecraft Dungeons se luce en estas nuevas capturas de pantalla-iGamesNews

Minecraft Dungeons se luce en estas nuevas capturas de pantalla-iGamesNews

Recientemente, se ha compartido una nueva e interesante galería de capturas de pantalla de uno de los títulos más destacados del catálogo de Nintendo Switch. Estamos hablando de Minecraft Dungeons. Entre las imágenes, podemos apreciar cómo luce este prometedor juego de la consola híbrida y nos muestran al detalle algunos de sus elementos.Os las dejamos ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Fan builds a detailed Half-Life: Alyx in Minecraft

Fan builds a detailed Half-Life: Alyx in Minecraft

3:00 Half-Life: Alyx in Minecraft – Fan shows his gigantic project in the video A player has made it his task to completely recreate Valve's new VR game Half-Life: Alyx in Minecraft. In the video above you can see a walkthrough of the first minutes that the user with reddit name nezoGG kindly made available ...


Mojang explica los motos del retraso de Minecraft Dungeons

Mojang explica los motos del retraso de Minecraft Dungeons

Mojang explica los motos del retraso de Minecraft Dungeons. Las últimas semanas, hemos visto como varios títulos han tenido que ser retrasados ​​(algunos incluso sin fecha establecida) a pandemic of the pandemic delta COVID-19 is a provost for the sectores del mundo. For the rest of the day, we have a chance to make a ...


Mojang Delared Minecraft Dungeons Sending "Best End Product"

Mojang Delared Minecraft Dungeons Sending "Best End Product"

Next month May 26th, Underground Pits will finally released on Nintendo Switch and many other platforms including the Xbox Game Pass. It actually should have come this month but was delayed at the last minute. Why is this? Speaking to Eurogamer recently, Mojang executive producer David Nisshagen explained how it came about due to a ...

Minecraft Fits Like Family-Friendly Devil

Minecraft Fits Like Family-Friendly Devil

Screen: How Minecraft & # 39;The transition from open-world fantasy fiction to a fantasy prison dungeon is a strange one oand, but Underground Pits still preparing for a peaceful receptionin-slash-based loot. Mojang banned me from the game until last week due to new homework issues imposed by the ongoing covid-19 disaster. These issues have also ...


Mojang explica los motos del retraso de Minecraft Dungeons

Impresiones de Minecraft Dungeons | SomosXbox

Desde Mojang han querido que Minecraft Dungeons sea un videojuego accesible para todo tipo de jugador: no es complicado, pero sí compjo (en palabras del equipo de desarrollo). This is the most important and most important form of communication in the world. The evidence, the mayor dificultad, and the other two Discourses, the most important ...