Articles for tag: Black, Career, Cat, Destroy, Discover, eventful, game, Genius, Man, managed, misunderstood, platforms, real, Video


Misunderstood genius or real black cat? Discover the eventful career of the man who managed to destroy three different video game platforms!

Misunderstood genius or real black cat? Discover the eventful career of the man who managed to destroy three different video game platforms!

Game News Misunderstood genius or real black cat? Discover the eventful career of the man who managed to destroy three different video game platforms! Published on 27.08.2024 at 22:30 Share : In the video game industry, it’s like everywhere else: there are real little geniuses who turn everything they touch into gold, and those to ...

The Boss

Moore’s Law is misunderstood: causes and consequences

Moore’s Law is misunderstood: causes and consequences

What if one of the most repeated claims about the evolution of hardware was continually misinterpreted? This is the case with Moore’s Law, which is cited continuously but not correctly. What is Moore’s Law? In 1965 Gordon Moore, who was the founder of Intel, predicted that the number of transistors per zone would double each ...