Articles for tag: Box, film, Moana, office, SciFi, surpasses, weeks

The Boss

Moana 2 Streaming, VOD and DVD Release Dates

Moana 2 Streaming, VOD and DVD Release Dates

Eight years after the release of the first film, the fierce Polynesian teenager is back in a highly anticipated sequel. Moana, now an experienced sailor, receives a vision from her ancestor Tautai Vasa. According to him, the evil god Nalo, desiring power over mortals, sank the island of Motufetu, connecting all the islands and ensuring ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

From Moana to Frozen, ranking the films from Disney's revival era

From Moana to Frozen, ranking the films from Disney's revival era

Strange world is one of Disney's most underrated films, period. The pulpy adventure film incorporates the standard Disney generational trauma narrative to great effect as it follows three generations of the Clade family. Everyone has an idea of ​​who they want their family to be, and since the grandfather, father and son of the family ...

Geralt of Sanctuary

Moana 2 just adds one good song to the Disney series

Moana 2 just adds one good song to the Disney series

Moana has grown on me. I can't say I liked Disney's musical Pacific Islander at first glance – when it first came out in 2016, it seemed lively yet cluttered. But as the film's songs penetrated the zeitgeist, I returned to the film with an ear for Lin-Manuel Miranda's infectious, rat-sharp lyrics and the deep ...


Moana 2 DLC for Minecraft is now available

Moana 2 DLC for Minecraft is now available

Moana 2 DLC for Minecraft is now available on Nintendo Switch. It comes two weeks before the November 27 release of the Disney film. Players will be able to see familiar faces and visit locations from Moana and Moana 2 as they sail the seas in this latest DLC pack for Minecraft. A free Flower ...


Moana sails in Minecraft | Minecraft

Moana sails in Minecraft | Minecraft

Oh, there she is! The only Moana who is here to teach us how to sing. NO? Oh, don’t sing – sail! Maybe wishful thinking, but learning the ways of the ocean from someone who knows how to find ways sounds pretty epic. The Moana 2 DLC takes you on a journey through iconic locations ...

The Boss

Minecraft is getting a Moana 2 DLC

Minecraft is getting a Moana 2 DLC

Without a doubt one of the great films of the end of the year is going to be the continuation of the adventures of Moana and Maui, but before it hits the big screen on November 27, we will be able to accompany the protagonists of the Disney film in a more… cubic shape. Here ...